Wednesday, July 18, 2012

little lady: maddy turns one // paris, tx child portrait photographer

Now that I'm quite sure her smile has stolen your heart away, let me invite you to be a part of the party that was thrown to celebrate her first year of life. :)
Aside from all the lovely decorations, the party was made joyous by all those that are close to Maddy's heart. :)
Her big brother Lucas here, aside from taking a break to be Super Man {with my dad's help}
was my ever faithful second shooter. The kid has potential. I'm seriously thinking about keeping him handy when help is needed.
Natural talent and genuine interest at such a young age is hard to find these days. He shows great promise. So, in other words, watch out photography blogosphere...
the force is strong with this one. ;)
And here's cousin Atlas that you all know from past posts. You will be seeing a lot of her in the weeks to come because she turned one as well! 
And of course I took pictures to prove it. ;)
There's also a post coming with pictures that make my heart skip a beat of her gorgeous Mama and Daddy. {Squeal!!!}
 Be ready.
This is Ellie. I wish I could take her home in my pocket. Or dunk her in my coffee. Enough said.
Except I don't drink coffee. 
Oh well.
Ok y'all, snap out of it!! Yes, I can sense those of you pulling a Maddy face right about now still stuck on this thought:
You don't drink coffee??? Whhhaaaattt?!?!
Look at that precious little cake of hers. :) 
It was extremely believable. Seriously, it looked like a real flower pot with real dirt!
Which is one of the reasons she was slightly freaked out by it...
Sure, it was fun to play in....
But with it looking so much like real dirt she wasn't about to dive in without some subtle taste testing.
Semi subtle. Let's leave it at that.
Here she is dirty.
Its a nice look for ya, Mads. ;)
Piñata time. :D
She was given many gifts including this beloved baby
and this t-shirt. Which Lucas decided suited him better than her...
So. Now that the party has been covered...lets dig a little deeper into who this baby girl truly is....besides totally fly. ;)
Feminine. Graceful. Dainty. All of those come to mind when I think of this girl.
She's just so...girly. I love it. :D Which is exactly why "little lady" is in the title.
She's very expressive and so you hardly ever have to guess what she's thinking about as she goes poking her curious little nose into everything she can. :)
Occasionally she takes the time to sit down and just think on her findings.
That would be very occasionally. Most often she's up and moving.
And off to the next adventure. :)
Her smile is like the midday sun in the Texas summer and I...I am like butter.
She's like the happiest baby ever!!
Her curiosity we've already touched on.... ;)
Mama's girl. :D
Lucas really is one of her favorite people. :)
I'm excited about seeing them grow closer as they grow older. 
They're already two precious peas in a pod. :)
So there you have it. A peek into the life of the darling Madeline Rain. 
I kind of adore her a lot. :)
Hope one is an awesome year for you, Maddy Shmatty!!
I have a feeling it will be full of learning, adventure, and just plain fun.
I'm gonna grab some popcorn, cause I know it will be a blast to sit back and watch. :)
~Through Christ's Love  

P.S. Rachel Leigh and I are going to Dallas today {as past interns} to hang out with Jessica Shae's current interns! Big yay! :D


  1. I tell you, I want a pair of shoes like those yellow once. Maddy is so adorbs! Beautiful pix! And we're on the same page with the coffee. I don't drink it either. :D

  2. Little Maddy is so cute! Loved all the pics of her cute little self all happy at her b-day party. I also thought I'd mention that I love the way you write as well, your writing style is so fun and engaging!

    As a side note, I don't drink coffee either. I looooovvveee the smell of coffee I just am not a fan of its taste. Unless! It's completely sugared up like the frappucinos at Starbucks. Hehe I'm a tea girl.

    Anyways, hope you have a fabulous day!


  3. Well... I love coffee... but I'm not going to freak because you don't! :P

  4. She's precious!

    my website:

  5. Aw! These are amazing and adorable. She really dug into that cake! Lucky for you :-)

  6. Awww... She is SO cute! Especially with here two teeth coming in! Ohh, she's beautiful.

    Happy Birthday Maddy!
    The cake was so awesome. It looked so much like a real pot of flowers, I'd be afraid to eat it.

  7. Oh my goodness!! How sweet!! =D

  8. oh. my. soul. you are like, related to... the cutest... things. ever.

  9. What a cutie. She is such a fashionista. Her cake was soo cute. I don't drink coffee either. Can't stand the taste. Oh what was type of point and shoot camera was Lucas holding?



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