I have been inspired by the artful, emotional, and beautiful way in which Hannah Nicole captures life through the medium of photography for a while now. A long while. Truthfully, in my opinion, I don't know how anyone with eyes could look at her blog for two seconds and not be tempted to camp out there for the rest of their life.
A recent post of hers went straight to my heart. She spoke of remembering to be intentional with every image you make. And that phrase itself, making pictures instead of just taking them is the epitome of what true photographic art is meant to be. I think us digital photographers often forget that a picture used to not be so accessible. It was like a favorite meal, or a birthday...it didn't come about very often, or very easy so each one was special. A treasure. A memory. And so, photographers back in the beginning days took time to think about each image they were creating.
What does all this inspiration amount to? The other day when Maggie and Anna were here I had all these lovely thoughts on my mind, and though I don't think I even began to reach the artistic value of some of my dear favorites, I really strove to think about each picture before I just mindlessly clicked that shutter button of mine. And here's what came of it all. :)
Oh, and, yes...I let them color all over my wooden swingset. I make life fun for them. ;)
Soon. Very soon. :)
It was in the midst of all these deep thoughts that I realized something very important about myself...
My ears are freakishly small. *sigh*
Now, go on...go have an awesome Monday. :)
~Through Christ's Love ♥