Michael is my dad's brother...and yes he is the type of uncle that teases me. ;) My heart is heavily invested in these children. Luke-man and Maddy-Shmatty I call them. Their eyes, his crazy blue and hers crazy goldish brown, are some of my favorites. :) This family is my family. And I was more than glad to capture them in all their cuteness on this lovely evening in November as the sun slowly set.

Just for the record, her real name is Madeline Rain. :) She is just so sweetly gorgeous...always has been. :D

Those eyelashes...I mean...really? :)

And this is Lucas "Why, yes, I do know I'm handsome" Ray. ;)

Maddy: Let's prance around like beautiful ladies.
Lucas: I have a better plan.

Let's be airplanes. When you can't be yourself, always be an airplane.

Bitty Chucks. :) *clap clap*

Maddy gets much of her loveliness from her pretty Mama, Joanna. :)

I apparently looked so adorable taking their picture that Lucas felt compelled to throw in some improv and blow me a kiss. I do what I can... ;)

You will now witness Maddy's attempts to run away. :)

And if one runs, why not everyone follow suit? :)

Well, hey now! ;)

Maddy the Escapee Part Two

Lucas found that he fit here perfectly. :)

It amused him :)

Until, of course, it didn't. :(

Ah, back where things are safe and sound and not so far from the face of the earth. :)

~Through Christ's Love ♥