"...adventures don't come calling
like unexpected cousins
calling from out of town.
You have to go looking for them." 

the morning was hazy and blue corresponding perfectly with the chosen adventure for the day.
blueberry picking.
morning hair and sleepy eyes. two sisters side by side discovering something new together.
dark, rich, plump ripe berries hanging happily in clusters, calling out loudly yet silently to be picked by tiny fingers who had never experienced such delight.

deep inside the bushes hides the mint and fuchsia early fruits diligently growing//growing//growing// preparing for their indigo days soon to come.

everyone works like buzzing bees, focusing intently on the task at hand. buckets grow heavier as new rows are trodden.

"is yours full yet, Maggie?"
"not yet, Anna."

"well mine's almost full."


"are you talking to yourself?"

"um. of course not. I was...talking to...this ladybug. naturally."

suddenly little giggles are heard and cheerful faces peek out from either side of the line of bushes.
"wanna play with us?"
an immediate heartfelt unprejudiced friendship is born.

play is fun. but work has got to be done. there's too many berries left to pick! no time to stop!
"I wonder what these things taste like anyway?
so much for the bucket ever getting full.

one for the bucket. three for the mouth.
that is the only sensible ratio when one discovers that one adores fresh blueberries.

however, not everyone is so keen to the taste of the sapphirus fruit. little sister only captures them for sport.

and even that excitement grows old. she simply cannot stay tied to one goal. sometimes she needs some wind to whip those flaxen curls as she flits around like a hungry butterfly, taking a tiny sip here and there of what everyone else is doing.

this is not easy work. occasional rest is necessary to keep energy and imagination juices flowing.

and then there's one of the new found friends, Elsie.

certainly a joyful distraction. she's coming with an invitation.

a settlement is being constructed in the forest surrounding the rows of berry bushes.

Daniel. the little man.
"don't worry girls. I'll provide for us. I'll work. I'll bring us food from my farm."
Daisy. the gentle, sweet spirited hostess.
"this reminds me of the Laura stories my Daddy reads us at night. of her little house in the big woods."

"here, let me build us a fire."

"yes. and I'll get everyone settled in the nest."

and lets not forget the food supply.

ah cloudy days, with all their sobering, dramatic emotional moodiness.

once the harvest is complete, the victorious gatherers have nothing left to do but pose with and display their handiwork.

and perhaps partake of a bit of it too.

many thanks to the King and Queen of this enchanted blue kingdom of delicious berry-ness.
Mr. and Mrs. Short.
you let us glean from your crop, frolic through your woods, and ride your go cart to your house to use your private bathroom.
you're really too kind.

~Through Christ's Love ♥

omygoodness Allix! these are absolutely beautigul! the blueberry bucket and the one of (im assuming you) in your sunglasses, is AMAZING! lloks like ya'll had fun. Thanks so much for sharing!
ReplyDeletethis post is absolutely amazing.
ReplyDeletei love the way you show your point of view! ;)
LOVE this! Your photos are stunning :)
There are not enough adjectives to describe this post Allix! Wow. Amazing,awesome photos. I love the first one,and the one of you,especially.
ReplyDeleteI just read this in between some studying during which I was feeling a bit discouraged and let me just say that this post cheered me up. :)
ReplyDeleteThis was extremely fun to read and your pictures are GORGEOUS! Such a fun berry-picking day.
I love how those kids made friends with them and them making a house was SO CUTE! It reminds me of when I was little :). And I especially like what the little boy said :D.
ReplyDeleteLord. Allix Ryan Brunson, why is every adventure you have so fabulous? just curious. =)
ReplyDeleteThis is a simply delightful post! I've just read your blog for the first time and promptly fallen in love. :)