Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Lenora Hope : Senior Portraits // northeast, tx lifestyle and senior portrait photographer

Another day, another senior, and yep yep yep...another blast from my past. ;)
If Hope were a bird, she'd be a hummingbird. Small, lovely, vivacious, full of life, strong-hearted, and fast paced while still being able to rest her wings and bask in the moment of being content with the simple. 
She has small-town in her veins, in a sea of people she's everybody's favorite, and she loves her family deeply....and believe me when I say "her family"
 I'm talking her huge family. :)
Speaking of that family of hers, down a long dirt road in the middle of literally nowhere in a tiny close-knit Texas community called Cuthand, pretty much every house...and pasture...and pond...and tree belongs to someone related to her. She knows everybody and everybody knows her. 
On this dirt road there is one house in particular that means an awful lot to this girl because it was her Mammaw Susie's. 

It was a beautiful, emotional, sentimental element to start the shoot with....and it was just the humble beginning of a spectacular evening with this precious old friend of mine.

I had so much fun catching up with you and capturing your fabulous self, Hope! Love ya, friend. :)

~Through Christ's Love 


  1. Okay, so I haven't commented on here in a long time, but wowwwww, Allix, your photography is SO stunningly gorgeous! These senior portraits are amazing, girl! Ah, so clear and beautiful. I just may need to make a trip to Texas for my own senior pictures someday... ;) But seriously, your photography is amazing and I'm so inspired! Blessings!

  2. These are great! I can totally feel the story behind it all...

  3. these are gorgeous! i love the bright bold colors. and she's beautiful as well. xx

  4. These are beautiful, Allix! Love that light and your locations...AND I really love the confetti photo! :)

  5. You have a beautiful friend, Allix! Great shots.

  6. You put me at aw every time i see look at your wonderful beautiful photography!!!!

  7. I think I ca say that these are my favorites. ever:) Great job! She is lovely..

  8. Wow! These are simply gorgeous! I love them so much! Awesome work, Allix! :)

  9. Allix, these are FABULOUS! I love them all. So crisp and clear, and you got the colors to pop! :D Wonderful job!

  10. OMAGOODNESS. Can you STOP being so perfect Allix? ;)


  11. SO SO GOOD. Like really, WOW. :D

  12. Oh. All of these are great. The bokeh in the ones of her in the woods is gorgeous. And I LOVE the confetti one. :D

  13. ALLIX! girl, these are CRAZY good! :)

  14. You certainly do manage to have the most gorgeous friends/models Allix!!
    How blessed to have such great portrait work, you're just getting better and better! :)

  15. k. you're actually amazing, and these are so so good.

  16. I'm going to be all cliche here and say WOAH love the confetti photo! You're the best, Allix. :)

  17. These are amazing! :D Where did you take these?! :)

  18. Wow! lovely work!!


Hey!! You're commenting!! You are so nice :) Thanks for making my day. :D