Wednesday, February 23, 2011

*Cough Cough* *Sniff Sniff* {northeast, tx lifestyle photographer - personal}

The only thing wrong with doing nothing is that you never know when you're finished.  ~Author Unknown

This illness does not lead to death. It is for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it. ~John 11:4

I have emerged, for a moment, from the sea of tissues, cough medicine, vitamins, comforting quilts, and thick wet air made possible by my humidifier that I have been plunged into all week. Oh deary....never did I think that while everyone around me was dropping like flies and getting The Cold of the Spring Season that :P

I see a light at the end of this dark and bleak tunnel of sickness but for now I must be content to be inside of it. It helps to have parents staging as nurses for awhile. I thought I would let you all know that perhaps I'm not dying after all...but I still need your prayers. :) They are all much appreciated. 

Day-quil and Vicks vapor rub....wouldest thou bring me relief??? please???

My room is very much like a sauna these days with this little baby puffing out its magic clouds . The air must remain wet if I am ever to get better says Dr. Mother :)

These are my tools of the trade....a remote to play movie after movie, trying to lift my spirits and the phone to page my caretakers ;) My main responsibility: Call every time I empty my glass of water so that I may get a refill. I'm purty sure I'm turning into a water ballon. :P

I am hopeful that a recovery is in my near future. In the mean time...I look positively awful, feel just slightly awful, and I want  to be well awfully bad. 

Still kickin'!
-Through Christ's Love ♥

1 comment:

  1. OH, Feel better soon! Being sick is never fun :( Will be praying that you get better!



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