Nothing would be more tiresome than eating
if God had not made it a pleasure as well as a necessity.
Such a little word and yet, it carries so much with it.
There are comfort foods that make you feel happy inside, full of memories of family and love. There are foods that are less than know, those that your mom made you eat and you secretly fed to the dog under the table. I feel your pain...and I didn't even have a dog under the table to feed. ;P
And then there are foods that are just plain yummy and you are in suspense just waiting for the next meal that they are included in.
German Potato Salad is that kind of food.
Its so wonderfully delicious I thought I would attempt to be Pioneer Woman for a few moments and share the recipe with you along with pictures of the process...just to make your mouth water. ;)
| For Preparation |
Dice twelve cups of potatoes, boil them, and set them aside to cool.
Now...first things first...
| Step One |
You begin by frying a pound of bacon.
That, my friends, is a very good place to start. :D

Out of all my favoritest smells in the whole wide world...
Bacon cooking is up there preeetty close to the top of the list. :) that I know I have you hooked...let's move on.
| Step Two |
After the bacon is cooked (as crisp as possible), take it out of the skillet and set aside on a plate. Then dice 4 small purple onions. Pour them into the bacon grease left in the skillet and let them brown in the deliciousness. ;)

| Step Three |
While the onions are browning, in a separate bowl combine 1/2 cup of white vinegar, 8 Tbsp. of water, 12 Tbsp. sugar, 4 tsp. salt, 1/2 tsp. black pepper.
When that is thoroughly mixed, pour into the skillet over the browned onions.

| Step Four |
Bring to a rolling boil.

| Step Five |
Add the diced, boiled potatoes that you cooled earlier. And sprinkle with 4 Tbsp. fresh or dried parsley.

| Step Six |
Mix well in the skillet and then pour into a big serving bowl.
Take that bacon that you happily cooked at the beginning, and crumble it over the bowl, reserving a handful or so. Mix the bacon into the potato salad and then top with the reserved bacon for garnish.
And Voila!
It. is. DONE! :D

Believe is sensational. But don't just take my word for it...Try it!!
However, don't forget the most important ingredient...
No not bacon...although that is extremely important. I meant, this important ingredient.
Cute little girlies dressed up in German Garb.

Add them to your dinner party, along with the potato salad, and you simply cannot go wrong.
Have a Happy Wednesday!
~Through Christ's Love ♥
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