This special feeling towards fruit, its glory and abundance, is I would say universal.... We respond to strawberry fields or cherry orchards with a delight that a cabbage patch or even an elegant vegetable garden cannot provoke.
| Jane Grigson |
In the heart of North Texas there is a quiet little peach orchard called Efurds. In mid-May they have pecks of delicious fresh picked peaches for sale at their little stand. But while they are waiting for the fuzzy fruits to ripen they open their strawberry field and let people come pick the little red rubies. :)
People like my lovely mother. <3

Lady-bugs too of course :)
Oh, and Katie-bugs too! She came along with her la familia...we were a very {large} merry group :) p.s. you remember Katie don'tcha? She was the one from the camping trip with the "cheesy rabbit grin" and the sisters in matching shirts. :D

So here are a few tips on picking:
1.) Pick the berries...not the flowers.
2.) Wear some rubber boots. {The lanes can get pretty muddy.}
3.) Try to pick the bright red ones...not the bitty bitty green ones. :)
I know it might sound like fun and games but this picking business really is hard work...

Well....most of the time. ;) Looks like these little misses needed some fuel. Just between you and me: they ate more than went into their basket to buy. But you didn't hear it from me. ;)

I think they learned the trick from Lizzie! Notice that the top picture is from three years ago...things haven't changed much if you ask me. ;D

So, while Anna was busy snacking and Maggie was busy picking...

They both spent time getting to know their new friends :)
Finally, we all brought our overflowing baskets with the fruits of our labor to the stand. Check out Louisa and Bella...they were some serious pickers!!
Once the berries were weighed and bought, it was time for LUNCH!

This is the lovely, unique, creative, {and totally organic I might add} centerpiece Lizzie made for our dining table.
Before we went back up to the stand to get our bags o' berries...we played a quick game of "Duck, Duck, GOOSE" for the kiddies...classic. :)

Btw..check out their stand!! Isn't it neat?? If you're ever near Pittsburg, should really go see it!
Especially cause they have homemade Strawberry and Peach soft serve ice-cream...yep...thats def. a BIG reason to visit them. :D

Look at all these precious people...aren't they precious?? I think they're just adorable. :D Berry picking will do that to ya...natural glow, skip in your step. Its naturally uplifting. :D
And naturally tiring:
Overall, it was a very fun...very long...very good day. :)
Strawberries...they're red...they're cute...they're tasty...why would you not make a pair of earrings to look like them...really? ;)
Well peoples...I want to take the time to apologize for the less frequency of posting. Things have been capital B busy around here!! After our trip to Philly, we've been thrown for a loop trying to get back into routine. I'm in the throws of Geometry and completely re-doing my room. Fun-fun. {I'm sleeping on a twin mattress...on the floor...yep, I told ya: fun-fun.} AND, I'm currently getting all antsy waiting for my birthday at the end of this month!! :D May 23rd. My 16th b-day. Its gonna be big.
Strawberries fields forever ;)
~Through Christ's Love
Haha, I wouldn't even think of laughing at your blog :)
ReplyDeleteNothing better than fresh strawberries!
ReplyDeleteMmmm... looks AWESOME!! We won't have strawberries for another two or three months. *sob*